Monday, June 21, 2010

This Week's Menu Plan

Ah, another week...and I really didn't even have time to share any recipes last week! Things are really starting to pick up with summer activities here, so I will try to post as much as possible. I am cooking up a storm though these days, so if I could carve out some time, I would have good things to share. Here's what we're having this week: Monday: B- toast with peanut butter and honey D- Chow Mein Casserole (new recipe) Tuesday: B- Scrambled Eggs D- Leftovers Wednesday: B- Strawberry Rhubarb Muffins from the freezer D- White Bean and Apple Chili (new recipe) Thursday: B- Apple Cranberry Granola D- Egg Salad Sandwiches Friday: B- Breakfast Burritos (new recipe) D- Pizza Night Saturday: B- Pancakes D- Sunny Broccoli Salad for a potluck Sunday: B- Egg Bake (new recipe) D- up in the air, we may be visiting family for this meal For more menu plans and recipes, head on over to I'm an Organizing Junkie.

1 comment:

  1. Just a suggestion, you might want to make your profile public, it's easier for people to find your blog. Otherwise, when you leave a comment, we hit your name to go to your blog but it comes up as Profile Not Available. There should be a setting to change if you want to. Thanks for visiting my blog! It's great that you plan your meals so well, I try to but I tend to change my mind! Thanks!


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