Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Homemade Whole Wheat Graham Crackers

My son LOVES graham crackers and I wanted to make a homemade version, so I tried this recipe for homemade whole wheat graham crackers from Heavenly Homemakers.  He's only 11 months old, and I have read in several places that honey, even in baked goods, is not good for babies at the age.  So, I made two versions of this with honey and one without.  They both tasted great, although I prefer the ones with honey a bit more.  My baby likes them too, but I still think he prefers the packaged version best because they are thinner and easier for him to eat.  So, note to self: roll them out thinner!!  Otherwise this recipe was quick, easy and I would make it again in a heartbeat.   

NOTE: If you've been reading my Fitness Plan Friday posts and want to get your family into an active routine, post up your fitness plan here on Friday! 

1 comment:

  1. great review!! I've had these bookmarked for about a year now to try... I'll have to do so now that you've convinced me they are so easy :)


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