My son LOVES graham crackers and I wanted to make a homemade version, so I tried this recipe for homemade whole wheat graham crackers from Heavenly Homemakers. He's only 11 months old, and I have read in several places that honey, even in baked goods, is not good for babies at the age. So, I made two versions of this with honey and one without. They both tasted great, although I prefer the ones with honey a bit more. My baby likes them too, but I still think he prefers the packaged version best because they are thinner and easier for him to eat. So, note to self: roll them out thinner!! Otherwise this recipe was quick, easy and I would make it again in a heartbeat.
NOTE: If you've been reading my Fitness Plan Friday posts and want to get your family into an active routine, post up your fitness plan here on Friday!
NOTE: If you've been reading my Fitness Plan Friday posts and want to get your family into an active routine, post up your fitness plan here on Friday!
great review!! I've had these bookmarked for about a year now to try... I'll have to do so now that you've convinced me they are so easy :)