Sunday, November 15, 2009

Menu Plan Monday: November 16th

Ah, what a week!  We were busy looking at homes, putting in an offer on one AND our newest little nephew was born early this morning.  Welcome to the world little Dane!  He's a healthy boy and mom is doing great :)  We ended up switching the order around on our meals this week, but we did eat just about everything on the plan, with the exception of the vanilla wafers.  This week I'm trying my hand at 4 new recipes AND I expect our grocery bill to be minimal.  I love this menu planning stuff! 

Here's what cooking in our little home this week:
Monday: Zuppa Tuscana (like the Olive Garden soup, review to follow)
Tuesday: Chicken Lasagna, carrots
Wednesday: Split Pea and Ham Soup
Thursday: Yoyo (you're on your own)
Friday: Pizza Night using crust recipe courtesy of Andi from Laundry on the Line
Saturday: Carrot Casserole and Cowboy Caviar (recipe to follow) for family gathering
Sunday: Yoyo

Snacks: Homemade Vanilla Wafers

All right, I have to fess up about that chicken lasagna.  It's a pre-packaged version I bought a long time ago and haven't used yet.  I know, probably NOT healthy, but I'm purging it from our freezer and will NOT be buying those types of meals again.  I'm finding it's way too easy to make double-batches of meals and freezing those for later.  There, I spilled the beans :)

What meals are you cooking this week?  If you need ideas, head on over to I'm an Organizing Junkie for hundreds of ideas! 

I know nutrition is important, but do you also focus on fitness?  Is your family active?  A major part of Mom Living Healthy is fitness.  I like to make a fitness plan to keep on track and I write about the different workouts that work for me.  Check them out!  If you want to make a fitness plan, I post mine every Friday and you're invited to do so as well. 

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait for the soup recipe!!

    I too had packaged products that I needed to use up when I made the switch to making more from scratch.

    Hope you have a great week and things slow down a bit for you :)


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