Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Workout Wednesday: Why I'm Loving My Jillian DVD

Although we don't currently have room in our budget for a gym membership, our family has found ways to stay fit and active for less money.   One of the things I loved about belonging to a gym was the group fitness classes.  They were fun and difficult at the same time.  I never got bored because my workouts changed from session to session, unlike workouts on the treadmill or elliptical.  So, now that I'm working out mostly from home, exercise DVDs have been my very own group fitness classes, minus the actual class!  Granted, I don't have the social interaction that my gym group fitness classes offered, but I hardly miss that.  Plus, walks with my husband and son and the occasional community ed class (more about that in another post) provide plenty of social interaction. 

Like I said, I'm loving my collection of workout DVDs.  They are inexpensive and I get so much use out of them!  One of my current favorites is Jillian Michaels Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism.  If you haven't heard of Jillian Michaels before, she is the trainer that consistantly produces winning contestants in the TV show The Biggest Loser.  This DVD is done in circuit style using simple, yet challenging exercises.  Each circuit is done twice, so you really get to work each area of your body.  The workout is 55 minutes long, including the warmup and cooldown. 

I love Jillian's teaching style.  She really challenges you to push yourself and get the most out of your workout.  On days when I want to really sweat, I choose this DVD. 

Do you use workout DVDs?  If so, which one is your favorite and why? 

Stay tuned for more Workout Wednesday posts. I will talk about some of the other ways that my family and I stay healthy. If you missed them, check out my posts on Fitness Plan Friday and on being a Fit Family.  Remember, start thinking about your Fitness Plan, because on Friday we'll post them.  This will help us stay motivated and keep us accountable to our active family goals.

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